Well it wouldn't be the holidays without getting some diving in so we headed out West on New Years Eve and get wet. Elaine decided she wanted me to certify her on the Self Reliant Diver course, so who was I to refuse such a request? I borrowed a small compact camera for the day just to get some shots after all the teaching had been done, otherwise it would have been a boring post with no pictures!
A lovely day for a dive. Just not at the surface |
It was windy, lashing freezing rain and 4 degrees at the surface. Perfect conditions for a training course! After the pre dive briefing and loading up with sling tanks, we tramped down the shore and got wet.
Conditions under the water were actually quite pleasant compared to this time last year, 6 degrees in the shallows and 8 degrees at depth with a vis of around 8 metres and good light penetration from the surface.
Focussed and intent |
The first dive was without incident with Elaine demonstrating her usual perfect dive skills (her ability to correctly copy SAC calculations to her dive slate properly not withstanding!). Dive two was more demanding with a lot of skills to be evaluated and all respect to her despite the water temperature, Elaine didn't balk when it came to the 18 metres no mask swim.
Elaine demonstrates her resilience to Scottish Winter waters |
After slightly damp bacon rolls and several cups of tea topped up by the driving rain, we headed in for the dive three to nail the final skills and recap on some navigational techniques. Shut down drills were also excellent and turn around times were spot on.
We surfaced just as the current was picking up which made getting back in to shore entertaining, but it was a happy pair of divers that got back to dry (or in this case soaking wet) land.
Mission successful, one fully qualified self reliant diver! |
I'm very proud of my dive buddy as had it been a lesser mortal going through the course, they would have knocked it on the head in the first five minutes of dive one because of the conditions and temperature but with someone like Elaine who has the skills, experience and knowledge, she got her head down and got on with it. No fuss, no tears, no complaints.
Well done Elaine. Same time next week with sunshine this time?
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