Well I've finally had a chance to sit and write a few words as we've been hitting sites up and down the Bloody Bay wall. Divings good, visibility is excellent just a shame theres a lack of small stuff to shoot but then again the Caymans arent exactly on the map for macro photography. Closest so far was a trio of sea horses on Randy's Gazebo which was a nice find and always a challenge to shoot.
"Do I have something on my nose?" |
Water temp has been sitting at a steady 26 degrees but it's still chilly towards the end of the dive. I do miss my dry suit sometimes! One thing common to all the dive sites so far is the groupers. No matter where you go there are always massive big groupers that follow you around like puppy dogs. Except they have no legs. and they live underwater. And they don't lick their balls. But apart from that, they are just like puppy dogs. They come and nudge you, they snap at you and the want attention and stroking. Very friendly fish, and not to mention some stupidly big barracuda as well.
My god, it's as big as the boat... |
Turtles have also been popping up on a regular basis and provide no end of entertainment with their scatalogical behaviour. They certainly thrive on a high fibre diet! No matter how old you are, toilet humour never gets boring....
Regular bowel movements are important to a turtle |
We have had a couple of visits of carribean reef sharks and some black tips but they've proven to be very skittish which is a shame. I like my sharks almost as much as I like my nudibranchs but it's difficult to get close to these ones.
The black tip on Marilyn's Cut was probably the best encounter so far but I had to drop a long way down and out into the blue to get a whiff of a shot and even then it was at the ragged edge. Still we still have a few more days on Little Cayman before moving on so here's hoping to a few more lucky encounters.
Come back! Don't leave me! |
Coral whips and gigantic sponge barrels abound on the wall and can provide hours entertainment on, in and around them for the marine life and are excellent focal points for photgraphers as well, so they are always a safe bet to get a half decent photo from time to time.
Typical Little Cayman wall shot |
Well time to knock off and get some sleep, up early tomorrow for another big breakfast and another three dives. It's a hard life and a dirty job but someone has to do it. Check back in a couple of days for some more fun in the sun from the littlest Cayman.
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