Well another year, another food festival. Some of the top restaurants and chefs were in attendance, although the only chef I recognised was Gary Rhodes. Never seen the rest before, so I must be showing my age.... If you happen to be in Edinburgh at the right time, the food festival is definately well worth a visit and you get to support the local merchants as well, so very worthwhile.
Sun was shining and the food and drink was flowing. Lots of people but plenty of elbow room to move around and sit down if you wanted to.
Forking 'ell! |
First round of food was a mix from various vendors with Jill having the braised beef cheek in red wine with smoked bacon, Fi noshing through the chicken marinated on fresh ginger and I settled for a light snack of Lankashire blue cheese risotto bon bons. Sound posh but was basically a cheese risotto scotch egg. I felt a bit conned but it nice anyway. Bloody posh scotch eggs....
This was then swiftly followed by a lenghty tasting session of Swedish (of all things) cider made by Rekorderlig. If you ever see it, it's well worth a try. And only 4% abv. so ideal for lightweights. Would never have thought that half decent cider would be made outside the West country, but there you go. you learn something new every day.
The girls getting stuck in |
Round two was unanimous and we all went for the slow braised belly of pork, mashed potato, honey, black pepper and vanilla salt, which was exceptional. The crackling could have done with being a bit crunchier, but it was still nice.
Some more Reckorderlig was in order alond with a brisk walk to work of the food and work up an appetite. During the walk we dutifully tried food samples from various vendors including some very nice Welsh cheeses and a variety of fudges to name but a few.
Fi waits in the background, patiently stalking the Welsh cheeses.... |
Dessert was another clear winner with a chocolate and raspberry cranachan, sweet cicely syrup and orange scented shortbread. It was nice. They also got hammered pretty damned quickly!
3 desserts - gone in a flash! |
A bit more walking around to slow down the effects of an expanding waste line and a bit of live music to add the the spirit of the day and the girls manged to squeeze in a sickly triple chocolate mousse whilst I was being the sensible one and didnt have any. I went for a selection of artisan cheeses with oatcakes and chutney instead! I knew I'd pay for it later, but it was nice.....
A tiered cake made out of roundels of cheese. A cheese cake? (ho-ho) |
With the afternoon closing in and our clothing straining under the added inches, we wobbled off throught the exit to leisurely stroll through the meadows, sunlight dancing through the trees, only pausing briefly for a 99 ice-cream with flake and raspberry sauce on the way home. Champion.
Lets hope I can still get into my drysuit next weekend! and if you hear any report of beached whales on the East coast, dont panic as it'll be just me during surface interval.